This implementation is a first attempt to implement it, in this version I was more intrested to get it to work than in the nice graphical aspects.
As you can see in the picture , it surely won't win a prize as the most sexy application :-).

This game again is an implementation of the classical MVC design pattern, with the difference that their are 2 views.
The model is a TetrisBoard (subclass of Board) on which you can move a piece (the so-called Tetrominoe (superclass of a set of pieces)).
The tetrominoe is the abstract superclass of all the tetrominoe's. It's very handy to model the pieces as a class, later on I can add things like a skin, or a another way of rotating.
There are 2 views, the TetrisView and the TetrominoeView. The first one is the graphical representation of the TetrisBoard; the second shows the next tetrominoe.
The model and the view(s) are connected via the TetrisController.
jezus, herman, tetris, zal eens in opleiding moeten komen, kun je hiervoor een MVC van smalltalk gebruiken ... ;-) , gr Jan
ReplyDeleteJa inderdaad, ben me een beetje aan het amuseren met de Iphone, Ipod e.d. Deze was een POC , ik ben het nu een beetje sexier aan het maken en misschien publiceer ik het wel op AppStore.
ReplyDeleteIk heb trouwens nog veel meer in petto